måndag 5 december 2011

Inspiration från 1920-30 talet

Kepsen bars ursprungligen av arbetaren. Här en riktigt bred och pösig modell från en byggarbetsplats i 1920-30-talets USA.

Kom också att bli ett plagg för den mer välklädde tjänstemannen. Här är modellen betydligt smalare.

(Text och bilder hämtad från en motorklubb i USA)

Men who were out of doors didn’t always want to fight the wind. For them, the Gatsby and the Golf (or Newsboy) caps were the perfect answer. Understand, by the way, that these are their modern names…they were all simply “caps” back in the day. Both had somewhat a similar appearance, differing only in construction. Both ended up with a slightly “squashed” appearance, but the Gatsby hat is made from one piece of material, and was referred to as a “one piece top style.” What we call the Golf has eight triangular panels meeting at the top of the cap with a small button and was called the “8/4” or “eight-quarter” style. Caps were made of wool - never broadcloth or other smooth material. The folded forward top of the cap comes out nearly as far as the stiff visor, to which it usually attached with a snap. The fold-over front also hid the oft-seen adjustable buckle. The sides of the cap should extend out so as to shade the ears. These caps could be worn with almost any outdoor attire (from sports and outings) and work-a-day world (from factory work to farming). Winter caps could have tuck-away flaps to cover the ears.